How To Deal With Your Pain

Sunday June 13, 2021

We all deal with pain. Regardless how we may appear on the outside, we all carry tremendous wounds, gangrene, broken, pus-pouring, wounds that fester from within.


Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

Sunday June 6, 2021

Why do we always seem to look for happiness in all the wrong places? Whether it's wealth, honor, power, or pleasure the end result is the same -- an empty heart.


Holy Trinity Sunday

Sunday May 30, 2021

"What are you?" If we take the default answer of the world, we're nothing more than upright, walking monkeys. Smart, yes but you and I are simply better looking, smarter primates. We're the product an accident of the cosmos…


Pentecost Sunday: The Promise of Jesus Arrives

Sunday May 23, 2021

Don't believe the first lie. God's law does not stop us from living our best lives. We wrongly believe that somehow if I embrace the fullness of the Christian life, I will be less. Only in open rebellion--we can think to ourselves--…


Heaven Our True Home: Ascension Sunday

Sunday May 16, 2021

As beautiful as our lives can be, there's something greater that lies beyond. As we heard in the Second Reading today, St.


Love Even When It Hurts: 6th Sunday of Easter

Sunday May 9, 2021

Always remember, you and I are created for greater things. The boring, superficial, lackluster, droning message that we hear from the world that tells us that happiness will be found in the selfish pursuit of more wealth, more honor,…


Without Me You Can Do Nothing: 5th Sunday of Easter

Sunday May 2, 2021

Have you ever felt the desire to stop practicing your faith, to drift quietly away from the Lord like a dried leaf that falls into a running stream, only to be whisked away by the humdrum muddle that makes up…


The Greatest Event In The Universe: 4th Sunday of Easter

Sunday April 25, 2021

The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead is the greatest event that has ever happened in the history of the universe. Nothing more amazing has or ever will happen than the empty tomb.


How the Resurrection Matters: 3rd Sunday of Easter

Sunday April 18, 2021

Last Friday evening I was called to the home of a long time parishioner: "Father, she has taken a turn for the worst. She doesn't have much time," said the familiar voice over the phone.


Jesus Goes to "Hell"(((HOMILY))) Easter Morning

Sunday April 4, 2021

At 3pm on Good Friday, Jesus let out his last breath. His dead corpse was still nailed to the cross. It makes you wonder, where did his spirit go?
