The Woman And The Dragon

Sunday August 15, 2021

Our First Reading for Mass today kicks off with a battle from the last book of the Bible: "Then the dragon stood before the woman about to give birth, to devour her child when she gave birth." (Revelation 12:4). Do you remember the…


When You Reach Your Breaking Point

Sunday August 8, 2021

We all have our breaking point. For some it comes sooner; for others, it comes like a "thief in the night." All it takes is one pivotal event, a happenstance of heartbreak, a thud in the chest which makes it seem like we're breathing sand…


Do You Desire More From Life?

Sunday August 1, 2021

Are you hungry? I don't mean the "hungry" as in your appetite for steak and potatoes.


God's Greatest Gift To You

Sunday July 25, 2021

The 49 Christians were bound in chains as they stood in front of the government official who was dressed in his finest robes. "Why have you transgressed the imperial decree?" He scolded them like little children.


What Is The Foundation Of Your Life?

Sunday July 11, 2021

Like a traumatic rerun from last summer, our community is again threatened by another raging wildfire. Over 80,000 acres have burned, numerous homes charred to rubble, and the end is still far from certain. Natural disasters such as these…


The Tale of Two Rebellions

Sunday July 4, 2021

I want to tell you the tale of two rebellions. The first one happened 245 years ago; the second happened 2600 years ago. One was right and just; the other was wrong and unjust. Each occurred against an authority figure, as all…


The Richest People In California

Sunday June 27, 2021

Our youth group just finished an eight-day, grueling, whirlwind pilgrimage of all 21 Catholic Missions (thank you to all who helped raise the $7,000, making the trip possible).


Why The World Needs Fathers

Sunday June 20, 2021

In the chaos of the world, fathers play a pivotal roll. When the storms rage, as we see in the Gospel reading, true godly men, like our Lord remain unbothered, even to the point of taking a lovely nap: "A violent squall came up…


How To Deal With Your Pain

Sunday June 13, 2021

We all deal with pain. Regardless how we may appear on the outside, we all carry tremendous wounds, gangrene, broken, pus-pouring, wounds that fester from within.


Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

Sunday June 6, 2021

Why do we always seem to look for happiness in all the wrong places? Whether it's wealth, honor, power, or pleasure the end result is the same -- an empty heart.
