Father Brian was born in Hawaii and grew up in Sacramento. He first felt the call to serve while in college and growing in his Catholic faith. It was “a song in his head” that kept getting louder and louder. He is currently the pastor of St. Mary's Parish in Vacaville, CA.
No More Shame (((HOMILY))) Divine Mercy Sunday
Sunday April 4, 2021
One of the worst things to hear from someone is "Shame on you!" Whatever the cause, shame strikes to the heart of who we are. It is a dreadful emotion felt only in relationship to someone when a bond is ruptured, severed, or damaged.…
ListenDon't Forget Your Story (((HOMILY))): Easter Vigil
Saturday April 3, 2021
The Easter Vigil is not for the faint of heart. It's called the "Mother of all vigils" due to its length and ancient rites, going all the way back to the early Church. It's on this night new adult Christians are baptized and reborn…
ListenThe Greatest Gifts God Left Us (((HOMILY))): Holy Thursday
Thursday April 1, 2021
Knowing he was about to be arrested and killed, Jesus gave humanity his two greatest gifts at the Last Supper. Everything was leading up to this moment. All the lessons he taught his disciples was now coming to a grand finale. Pay…
ListenPalm Sunday (((HOMILY)))
Sunday March 28, 2021
We all want to be happy. The question becomes, "How do we achieve it?" If you've been listening to my sermons over these last few years, you know my answer: RELATIONSHIP. Happiness is not a something (money, power, pleasure, beauty)…
ListenFacing Your Deepest Fears: 5th Sunday of Lent
Sunday March 21, 2021
What do you see when you gaze upon a crucifix? Do you see your fear of rejection? It's there. Do you see your fear of loneliness? That's there to. Do you see your fear of pain and death? How about your fear of being laughed at? How about…
ListenThe Moving Power of Signs (((HOMILY))): 4th Sunday of Lent
Sunday March 14, 2021
For most weddings, the bride is the star of the "show." Her dress, the hair, her very tear-soaked eyes capture the attention of all those seated in the pews. As she marches down the aisle towards her future husband, she notices…
ListenI Have Never Forgotten (((HOMILY))): 3rd Sunday of Lent
Sunday March 7, 2021
Jerry Miller from Indiana wrote the following post on social media in a desperate attempt to find his child:
ListenGod & Mountains: (((HOMILY))) 2nd Sunday of Lent
Sunday February 28, 2021
"Jesus took Peter, James, and John and led them up a high mountain apart by themselves. And he was transfigured before them, and his clothes became dazzling white, such as no fuller on earth could bleach them" (from the Gospel…
Listen"Where Are You Going?" (((HOMILY))) Ash Wednesday
Wednesday February 17, 2021
Built on a hill outside the ancient walls of imperial Rome, lies the headquarters of the Catholic Church known officially as Vatican City. Why is it built there and no where else? Why not Jerusalem? The answer is simple: St. Peter…
ListenA God NEVER Who Never Quits: 6th Sunday In Ordinary Time
Sunday February 14, 2021
It's shocking to think how quickly Lent has arrived. This Wednesday, we'll hit the ground running with Ash Wednesday, as blessed ashes are placed on our heads as a sign of our inner repentance.