How To Pray Like Jesus
by Father Brian J. Soliven on Sunday July 24, 2022
On Sunday, the parish happily welcomed back one of her sons for a brief visit, Brother Bryan. He joined Pro Ecclesia Sancta (translated from the Latin, it means"For the Holy Church"), a religious community over three years ago. Many of the people haven't seen him since he left. Some must have been surprised when he showed up wearing a priest collar, especially since the last time they probably saw him he was still in t-shirt and jeans. Some may have wondered if he was ordained, but that won't happen--God-willing--for another 7 years. Like all priests, Brother Bryan will one day be called, Father Bryan. He'll bear the heavy responsibility of revealing who God is through his life. He will continue the work of Jesus Christ who reveals through his prayer the true face of the God we worship.