Father Brian was born in Hawaii and grew up in Sacramento. He first felt the call to serve while in college and growing in his Catholic faith. It was “a song in his head” that kept getting louder and louder. He is currently the pastor of St. Mary's Parish in Vacaville, CA.
The Beautiful Reminder (((HOMILY))): 131st Anniversary of Our Cathedral
Sunday June 28, 2020
Most kids who grew up on Saturday morning cartoons in the 1980's will know the following famous saying, "More than meets the eye." It is part of the theme song of the Transformers that we all sang along with …
ListenThe Good Fear: (((HOMILY))) 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sunday June 21, 2020
The year 2020 should be dubbed the "Year of Fear." This makes the words of Jesus in this Sunday's Gospel reading all the more powerful: "FEAR NO ONE... do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul;…
ListenTrue Food, True Drink (((HOMILY))): Corpus Christi
Sunday June 14, 2020
We share many things in common with our Protestant brothers and sisters. In fact, on key fundamentals of the Christian faith, what unites us far outweighs what divides us.
ListenYou Belong To God (((HOMILY))): Trinity Sunday
Sunday June 7, 2020
Last Sunday, a new priest was created for the Diocese of Sacramento.
ListenWe Need The Holy Spirit Now (((HOMILY))) Pentacost Sunday
Sunday May 31, 2020
As if things could not get any worse after the pandemic, the rioting starts.
ListenWhere Did Jesus Go? (((HOMILY))) The Ascension of the Lord
Sunday May 24, 2020
"Where is he going?" That question must have been on the dazed minds of the Apostles, as they watched Jesus ascend into Heaven. In his last parting words to them on earth, Jesus gives his last great item on the "to-do list…
ListenThe Hidden Beauty of a Funeral (((HOMILY))) 6th Sunday of Easter
Sunday May 17, 2020
The church was empty as the father of the deceased walked up the main aisle to the open casket. I watched him intensely, careful not to make a sound in my wooden pew.
ListenOur Lady Of Fatima and The Fires of Hell (((HOMILY)))
Wednesday May 13, 2020
One of my earliest religious memories was as a child finding a tattered prayer card in our house of Our Lady of Fatima.
Listen"Why Is Family Life So Darn Hard?" (((HOMILY))) 5th Sunday of Easter
Sunday May 10, 2020
This was a difficult homily to give. My emotions got the better of me. If you can bare the first few minutes of tears, I quickly composed myself and finished strong. To put it mildly, it has been a very difficult week in the…
ListenGood Shepherd Sunday (((HOMILY)))
Sunday May 3, 2020
During the month of May, the Church honors the Blessed Mother in an intensified way. In the example of her life, we see firsthand how to follow God's will. She never doubted, never gave into fear, nor abandoned her son when the storms came…