Father Brian was born in Hawaii and grew up in Sacramento. He first felt the call to serve while in college and growing in his Catholic faith. It was “a song in his head” that kept getting louder and louder. He is currently the pastor of St. Mary's Parish in Vacaville, CA.
Why We Love Weddings
Friday September 2, 2022
It's almost a universal phenomena. Across cultures and centuries, we love wedding receptions. A resounding joy often fills the venue. Whenever God tries to convey what Heaven is like with Him, he uses a wedding banquet to express the…
ListenUnafraid Of The Darkness
Wednesday August 31, 2022
We Christians are called to the dreary of darkness. Steal-hearted, we heal where sickness once reigned. Like checkmate against the grandmaster in Chess, we proclaim Christ crucified as the answer to the death. Call upon the name of all…
ListenWaiting For My Jet Plane
Friday August 26, 2022
The next time you're at an airport terminal for your flight, take a look around you. It's a fascinating circus of the human condition. The old school are reading books, while the digitally hooked scroll through their phones and laptops;…
ListenHow A Saintly King Uses Wealth
Thursday August 25, 2022
To prevent raising monsters, every parents knows they cannot indulge their child's every whim. Otherwise, they begin to replace the sun with their egos. Wealthy people, especially must guard against this easy tendency. For all the…
ListenWhy Are Christians So Irritating?
Wednesday August 24, 2022
A creepy, grotesque statue greets you when you walk into the Basilica of Santa Maria della Steccata in Parma, southeast of Milan in northern Italy. It depicts St.
ListenMy Weapon Of Choice
Monday August 22, 2022
For a first century Jew, the significance of calling the Virgin Mary a "queen" would not have been lost on him. Mary is queen precisely because her son, Jesus Christ, is the King of Kings. She bares within her womb the Incarnate Word of…
ListenWe Carry One Another
Sunday August 21, 2022
What I’ve learned over ten years of priestly ministry, no matter where God sends me, one reality will always be the same. It will never change. Whenever I walk into a room full of people, or in my case, a church full of people,…
ListenAyudo A Otros A Cargarlo
Saturday August 20, 2022
Cada vez que entro en un cuarto lleno de gente, o en mi caso, en una iglesia llena de gente, una cosa es por seguro... habrá dolor en ese lugar. Muchas personas llevan un enorme peso sobre sus hombros. Muchos de nosotros en este momento…
ListenWhere Are The Spiritual Deserts of Today?
Friday August 19, 2022
Dead, dry bones are everywhere in the vision of the prophet Ezekiel today in the First Reading at Mass (Cf. Ezekiel 37:1-14). God commands him to bring them back to life. Notice the technique.