305 Little Souls

Thursday August 18, 2022

The 2022 school year has begun. As I looked out and stared at the 305 souls entrusted to us, the immensity of the responsibility hit hard. 


"Fuego Sobre La Tierra"

Sunday August 14, 2022

En el evangelio, Jesus le dijo, "Yo he venido para echar fuego sobre la tierra: y !cómo quisiera que ya estuviera encendido!" (Cf. Lucas 12, 49) ¿Dónde puedo encontrar este fuego? ¿Dónde están estas llamas transformadoras? Lo…


"I Have Come To Set The Earth On Fire"

Sunday August 14, 2022

The Gospel passage this Sunday is one of my favorites. Jesus cries out, "I have come to set the earth on fire, and how I wish it were already blazing!" (Cf. Luke 12:49)


The Kingdom Belongs To The Childlike

Sunday August 7, 2022

What is it about children that makes Jesus say, "The kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these"? (Cf. Matthew 19:14) Why only them? Why not us, who have less hair, more wrinkles and sore backs? Take a moment and think back to when you…


What's The Big Deal About Mary?

Friday August 5, 2022

We could hardly believe it. Here we were half-way across the world and we ran into brother priests from our same city. "What are you doing here?" We blurted out in excitement.


How To Defeat The Devil

Thursday August 4, 2022

Today the Church celebrate the patron saint of diocesan priests, St. John the Vianny. He shows us the secret to defeat the Devil's kingdom. If we priests and lay faithful follow in his steps, watch the walls of darkness come tumbling down…


¿Por Qué El Dinero Es Tan Embriagador?”

Sunday July 31, 2022

¿Alguna vez te has preguntado por qué amamos tanto el dinero? ¡Es una gran pregunta! ¿Por qué trabajamos tan duro para adquirirlo? ¿Por qué dedicamos horas y horas de nuestro día a obtener más? Si lo pensamos bien, una de las principales…


Why Is Money So Intoxicating?

Sunday July 31, 2022

Have you ever wondered why we love money so much?  It’s a great question! Why do we work so hard to acquire it? Why do we spend hours and hours of our day to get more? If we think about it, one of the main reasons why any of us are…


(Daily Mass Sermon) Don't Forget This About Love

Friday July 29, 2022

On July 29th, the Church celebrates the Feast of St. Martha, the sister of the famous Lazarus whom Jesus raised from the dead. As amazing as that miracle is, Martha reminds us of something greater -- love is more powerful than death itself…


Los Padres de la Santísima Virgen María.

Tuesday July 26, 2022

¿Te imaginas ser sus padres? Qué fácil debió haber sido. Ella no hizo nada malo. Ella siempre limpiaba su habitación. Ella hacia sus quehaceres. Ella nunca rezongaba.
