Father Brian was born in Hawaii and grew up in Sacramento. He first felt the call to serve while in college and growing in his Catholic faith. It was “a song in his head” that kept getting louder and louder. He is currently the pastor of St. Mary's Parish in Vacaville, CA.
What's Your Deepest Prayer?
Sunday May 15, 2022
"If God would answer your deepest prayer, what would it be?" I mass texted this very question to parishioners, many devout, not so devout, protestant pastors, non-Christians, young, old, single, and married. I wanted a broad swath of…
ListenWhose Voice Do You Follow?
Sunday May 8, 2022
We live in a loud world. A myriad of voices scream out to us, beaconing to follow them.
ListenThe Proud Will Never Know Love
Sunday May 1, 2022
Ever wondered why the headquarters of the Catholic Church is in Vatican City? After all, Rome and Jerusalem is nearly 1500 miles apart. How did St. Peter, who is buried in the famous church which bears his name, end up so far from home in…
ListenHow To Achieve Peace In Your Life
Sunday April 24, 2022
We all want peace in our homes. We desire peace for our most loving relationships. We want peace in our cities; we want peace in our country. Three times today in the Gospel reading this Sunday, Jesus says to the disciples, "Peace be…
ListenEASTER SUNDAY: You Can Stop Searching Now
Sunday April 17, 2022
Enter Easter Sunday. Enter into the resurrection. The death of Jesus Christ was thought to be a triumph of the Pharisees and Romans. However, through the power of the Holy Spirit, Christ bursts out of the stoney tomb.
ListenGood Friday: Trust Me
Friday April 15, 2022
This Friday goes on like the rest. The Christian, however, gasps a deep breath. Something is different. Someone is missing. I look more intensely but not with my eyes. The Virgin Mother wails in the distance as soldiers walk by.
ListenHoly Thursday: LOVE LOVE LOVE
Thursday April 14, 2022
Each year, the Gospel reading for Holy Thursday always pierces my heart. It begins: "Jesus knew that his hour had come
ListenHoly Week Begins
Sunday April 10, 2022
Holy Week is upon us. It commences with a procession outside, with waving palm branches in hand. We mimic the crowds that trumpeted Jesus Christ entrance into the city of Jerusalem. However, these same voices that heralded him would…
ListenWhy God Does NOT Exist
Sunday April 3, 2022
One of the biggest stumbling blocks for many people to believing in God's existence is the problem of suffering. If your God exists, I'll often hear, then why do horrible things happen? Why do little kids get cancer? Why did God let my…
ListenWhy We Give
Sunday March 27, 2022
As Christians, have you ever why God calls us to give? We all have plenty of bills that need our attention. We have home projects, car repairs, gas to buy, groceries to spend on, that all require our hard-earned money.