Father Brian was born in Hawaii and grew up in Sacramento. He first felt the call to serve while in college and growing in his Catholic faith. It was “a song in his head” that kept getting louder and louder. He is currently the pastor of St. Mary's Parish in Vacaville, CA.
Why Brides And The Baptized Wear White
Thursday December 15, 2022
Brides, priests and the baptized have something in common. They all wear white. The reason is pure.
ListenDon't Listen To This Voice
Sunday December 11, 2022
Anyone who has suffered has heard his slithering voice: "See I told you so. You can't trust God. He's not a loving father. Stop praying. Stop going to church." With all your might, resist the temptation to abandon the Lord. Following the…
ListenThe Power Of Eating Dinner Together
Friday December 9, 2022
The research is clear. Eating together around the dinner table is better for everyone. It deepens bonds, kids perform better in school, decreases the likelihood of abusing alcohol, drugs and the like. Overall, it makes us better humans.
ListenThe Virgin Mary Reminds Us Who We Are (bilingual)
Thursday December 8, 2022
(After reading the Gospel in English, the homily begins in Spanish. If you want to hear it in English, please skip to minute 9:43) In the midst of all the confusion of our day, the Virgin Mary and her Immaculate Conception reminds us who…
ListenWhen A Priest Defied The Emperor
Wednesday December 7, 2022
When the Roman emperor Theodosius approached the wooden doors of the Milan cathedral, a man stood in his way. It was the bishop himself, St. Ambrose. "You shall not enter." He told him. The men stood face to face. One was the most powerful…
ListenEnter St. John the Baptist
Sunday December 4, 2022
Few figures in the Bible is as mystifying and bizarre then St. John the Baptist. Wearing camel skins, a leather belt and a scrumptious diet of locusts and honey, he appears suddenly at the Jordan River. "The Kingdom of God is at hand!" He…
ListenThe Second Coming of Jesus Christ
Sunday November 27, 2022
As the leaves turn to autumn hues, the weather lies dreary, the daylight fades and the season change, so does the Church's worship. We shift to the things of the End Times, when our Lord Jesus will finally return triumphantly for the Final…
ListenGiving Thanks And Healing Are Linked (Bilingual)
Thursday November 24, 2022
(English portion begins at minute 4:12)
Sunday November 20, 2022
Por lo tanto, si la verdad más profunda de Dios es que Él es una Santísima Trinidad de amor, tú y yo estamos creados a imagen del amor mismo. El sentido de la vida es, ultimadamente el amor. Presta atención a este punto aquí. Permítanme…
Listen"Jesus Wept"
Thursday November 17, 2022
Overlooking the Jerusalem skyline is a quaint little stone Catholic chapel built over a small hill. Its called in Latin, "Dominus Flevit", meaning "The Lord wept." (Cf.