The Blood of the Martyrs is the Seed of the Church

Wednesday September 20, 2023

The 2nd Century Christian writer Tertullian, famously wrote, "The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church." During those early centuries of our history, being a Christian often meant death.


The Healing We've Been Searching For

Thursday September 14, 2023

We're all experts at hiding from our wounds. We have our go-to bottles of alcohol; we buy more things. We run from silence. You name it. Regardless of how we cope, the result is always the same -- ignore the pain. Jesus wants to heal us.…


Blessed Are You When People Hate You

Wednesday September 13, 2023

If people despise you because of your faith, it's a sign you're living your Christianity well. In today's Gospel, our Lord tells us directly, "Blessed are you when people hate you, and when they exclude and insult you, and denounce your…


Why Jesus Calls 12 Apostles

Tuesday September 12, 2023

In today's Gospel, we witness Our Lord calling the 12 Apostles for the first time. For the first century hearer, this detail is life-changing. It means only one thing -- the ancient prophecies are being fulfilled. 


No Hay Amor Sin Sacrificio

Sunday September 10, 2023


Love Always Requires Sacrifice

Saturday September 9, 2023



Friday September 8, 2023

The woman foretold by God after the fall of Adam and Eve is now born (Cf. Genesis 3:15). The mother from whom Christ would come forth has arrived. The ancient serpent seethes in anger, knowing his days are numbered.


He Wants You

Thursday September 7, 2023

This morning in the Gospel reading, Jesus gets into Peter's boat. This has always been seen as God's invasion into our lives, despite our ugliness. He wants us. Often times we wrongly think that we have to be put together, perfect, and…
