What the "Kingdom of God" Looks Like
by Father Brian J. Soliven on Sunday May 12, 2024
Last Sunday we pondered the question during my Sunday homily, “What type of Christian does the world need?” I was trying to zero in on the answer of what type of Christian attracts more souls to Jesus Christ and his Church? This question forces us to reflect whether or not I am living the Christian life well. As we hear this Sunday, every single baptized Christian is sent out into the world to share the great Good News of Jesus Christ. Our Lord instructs us resolutely: Go into the world and proclaim the gospel to every creature. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved; whoever does not believe will be condemned.” It’s a tremendous responsibility that we have been given. Souls are literally hanging in the balance. It behooves me to live my faith like a saint, with all the tenacity and passion it requires to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. Soft, compromising Christianity adds nothing of value to the world. In fact, I dare say, it only makes things worse.
Imagine what was going through the minds of those Twelve Apostles as our Lord gave them his last instructions before he ascended back into Heaven. “Why don’t you stay!” I would have yelled. We need you to be with us. This mission is too hard to accomplish. I am too weak to finish the race. If any of us have these similar doubts arising in your hearts, we are absolutely correct. It is humanly impossible. The great, comforting truth is that we are never alone. Jesus told us directly, “I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I am leaving; for if I do not leave, the Helper will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you” (Cf. John 16:7).
He will send us the Holy Spirit; the same spirit that unites the Most Holy Trinity itself in eternal love, will now empower every single one of us. He will guide and lead. We need only bow and submit. We fear nothing as Christians, for we are now in the hands of this Holy Spirit. If you still doubt, look at our 2,000 year old history. The fact that the Catholic Church still stands, despite the weakness of her members and the overwhelming power of our enemies, is an undeniable testament to Jesus’ own promise, “... the gates of Hell will not overpower it” (Cf. Matthew 16:18). And most consoling of all , “Behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age” (Cf. Matthew 28:20). Jesus sends each and every one of us on a mission to draw more souls to Him. To do that well, we must live this Christian faith with “fire” (Cf. Luke 12:49).