mom and son in prayer

The Greatest Gift a Parent Can Give

by Father Brian J. Soliven on Sunday July 16, 2023

As part of our devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, every first Friday of the month, Eucharistic Adoration follows directly after the 8AM Mass.  Our Lord is exposed for prayer from morning all the way until the evening 7PM Spanish Mass. St. Mary’s becomes an oasis of profound prayer in the midst of a frantic world. The picture on the cover of the bulletin was from last Friday. As we began, this young mother reverently knelt on the bottom step leading into the sanctuary. Her young son clinged to her sweater, resting his tired head against her arm, as they both prayed silently directly in front of Jesus. At that moment, the memory of my own mother came flashing back. When I was his age my mother did something very similar. She would drag me to church during the middle of the week to join her at our parish in Elk Grove. I always went kicking and screaming because she interrupted my video game playing time. Nevertheless, mom always won. 

This young child in the picture does not realize it yet but his mother is giving him the greatest gift any parent can ever give their child – faith in Jesus Christ. Her faithful, relentless example of prayer will plant a seed in his small heart that has the potential to grow into a mighty Oak tree.