A God NEVER Who Never Quits: 6th Sunday In Ordinary Time
by Father Brian J. Soliven on Sunday February 14, 2021
It's shocking to think how quickly Lent has arrived. This Wednesday, we'll hit the ground running with Ash Wednesday, as blessed ashes are placed on our heads as a sign of our inner repentance. I'd like to invite you to attend one of the three masses that day: HOLY FAMILY (Portola) 8:30am & 6pm; HOLY ROSARY MISSION (Loyalton) 12:10pm.
Before we can even understand the significance of Lent and all the spiritual richness on offer to us, we must first understand the "why" of Christianity. Why does God want us to love Him? Why does God even create us? What is the purpose of existence? Why must we follow his moral commandments? Why does Jesus gives us his True Presence in the Eucharist? The questions are endless. The answers to all of these myriad of questions become easier when we understand one simple fact -- We are created to be one with God. That's salvation history summed in one line. Our God is relentless when it comes to getting us to our true Heavenly home.