Father Brian was born in Hawaii and grew up in Sacramento. He first felt the call to serve while in college and growing in his Catholic faith. It was “a song in his head” that kept getting louder and louder. He is currently the pastor of St. Mary's Parish in Vacaville, CA.
Live the Faith Boldly
Thursday March 7, 2024
The oldest of the prayers used at the Holy Mass is called the Roman Canon. It's marked by a list of strange names that the early Christians wanted to remember. When we learn their stories, it's no surprise why.
ListenLooking Beyond the Surface
Sunday February 25, 2024
To unlock the power of Lent, we need one thing—love. Love gives us the superpower to peer beyond the mere superficial. Take the prime example of bride and groom on their wedding day. Notice how they look at one another.
ListenThe Christian Prays Differently
Tuesday February 20, 2024
The Christian prays differently, according to our Lord in today's Gospel. He possesses something that the pagans "who babble" and "think they will be heard because of their many words." Once we understand this from the depths of our souls…
ListenWhen the Ash Wednesday Crowd Comes
Thursday February 15, 2024
Ask any priest in the world and they will tell you that Ash Wednesday draws the largest crowd than any other day of the year. It can even be bigger than Easter or Christmas.
ListenAsh Wednesday: Enter into the Desert
Thursday February 15, 2024
Welcome to the spiritual battle! Each Lent, we join Jesus in hand-to-hand combat with our ancient foe. The blessed ashes smeared across our foreheads remind us that life is short. We refocus our gaze to higher transcendent realities.
ListenThe Christian Sees the World Differently
Thursday February 8, 2024
The Christian is called to see the world differently than nonbelievers. We look past the surface of things and penetrate the deeper spiritual realities. When pain and suffering eventually comes upon, the Christian, rooted deeply in faith…
ListenWhat Silence Reveals
Wednesday February 7, 2024
If you've ever tried sitting silently in a room for any length of time, you'll immediately notice how uncomfortable it quickly becomes. There's a spiritual reason why. Jesus, in today's Gospel, shows us the root cause.
ListenThe Japanese Catholic Martyrs of the 16th Century
Tuesday February 6, 2024
The Japanese Catholic martyrs that we remember today inspire us to live out the Catholic faith boldly. No matter what.