The Tomb is Empty!

Sunday April 9, 2023


Why Judas Betrayed

Wednesday April 5, 2023

The Wednesday of Holy Week is traditionally called "Spy Wednesday". It's the day Judas conspired with the Pharisees  to betray Jesus for a measly 30 pieces of silver. What caused him to turn on his friend? Judas' sad story provides a…


Palm Sunday

Sunday April 2, 2023

"The whole city was shaken", when our precious Lord entered the city of Jerusalem on the donkey (Cf. Matthew 21:10). The crowds new they were welcoming a conquering messiah, long promised by God centuries before. The time was now fulfilled.


The Healing That We All Seek

Monday March 27, 2023

"Father", said the little eight-year old girl shortly before Mass. "Why are the statues covered?" She was referring to the large purple veils that now adorned the sanctuary, hiding all of the artwork. Passiontide, as we call it, has its…


A New People Forged in Blood

Friday March 24, 2023

Christ has come to form a new people. 


It's Jesus We're Looking For

Thursday March 23, 2023

Last night we had our parish Penance Service. Ten priests were available to hear the confessions of our parishioners. By the time we started at 6:30pm, well over a hundred people came. It was a beautiful sight. 


The Amazing True Story of St. Patrick

Friday March 17, 2023

The amazing story of St. Patrick is reminder that God is truly, our loving Heavenly Father. He can take the darkest moments of our lives when we're tempted to believe the lie that God has abandoned us and use it for His glorious providence…
